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You can extend your Ibexa DXP application with bundles built by the community. Please note that these third party extensions are not covered by Ibexa support.
Bundle providing reCAPTCHA field for the eZ Platform EE Form Builder
Integration of the YooChoose recommender engine into eZ Publish Platform
Integration of Symfony's Form component with eZ Platform Public API
Privacy cookie banner integration bundle into regular Symfony 2.x application (supports eZ Publish/eZ Platform)
Kaliop eZ-Workflow-Engine Bundle
eZ Platform audit configuration and exploitation
Platform.sh adopted eZ Platform Map\Host site access matcher.
Novactive eZ Slack Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle that provides a complete Slack integration
Netgen Open Graph Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle that allows simple integration with Open Graph protocol.
Netgen Siteaccess Routes Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle which allows you to specify in which siteaccesses or siteaccess groups can a route be used
eZ Platform & Sylius eCommerce integration bundle
Netgen Enhanced Selection bundle for eZ Platform