Ibexa DXP is a technology platform which has a wealth of different functionalities and technical components. The Documentation Hub links to all available documentation for developers as well as users working in the back office interface.
Symfony framework
Instead of building a web framework ourself, we chose to build our application using the popular Symfony framework. Core functionalities such as routing, templating and request/response cycles are handled by Symfony. See the Symfony project documentation to learn more.

Extensive REST and GraphQL APIs
Connectivity is a key feature for any software in the 2020's. This is why Ibexa has extensive REST and GraphQL APIs to connect your Digital Experience Platform to other tools used by your enterprise. Integrate with external SaaS services, custom cloud integrations via an iPaaS, deploy a headless architecture and much more.
Ibexa Cloud is our integrated PaaS
We do not restrict where you can host your Ibexa DXP implementation. You can run Ibexa Content, Ibexa Experience and Ibexa Commerce on-premise, on the cloud with IaaS providers (AWS, Azure, Google or Digital Ocean…) or on Ibexa Cloud. Ibexa Cloud is a fully managed PaaS (Platform as a Service) product that is optimized for Ibexa DXP.
Ibexa Connect is our iPaaS solution
Ibexa Connect is our Integration Platform as a Service solution that allows connecting Ibexa DXP to many systems easily and efficiently.
Ibexa CDP is our Customer Data Platform
Ibexa CDP is our Customer Data Platform offering that enables companies to centralize the data they have about their customers. This allows leveraging all of the information from a single source.

Release notes on GitHub
Supported Ibexa DXP software receives regular updates. These follow the Semantic Version pattern: Patch releases containing bug fixes to minor versions with new features and every so often major releases that can introduce backwards compatibility breaks.
Each release comes with complete release notes that include detailed links to all the new features and fixed issues. These are stored on GitHub where we keep a complete archive of all our software releases.
Software lifecycle
Software from Ibexa has a specified service life for when we provide bug fixes and security patches for individual versions. Our software releases are based on Semantic Versioning and once a year we ship an LTS (Long Term Support) package with an extended support period.

Where's eZ Platform?
The first iteration of Ibexa DXP was released on October 26th 2020. The Ibexa DXP name essentially replaces the eZ Platform name. Going forward our products will be known by a different name, but this does not mean or change any commitments we have regarding product support.
For previous generation (eZ Platform) and legacy (eZ Publish) product documentation, please refer to: eZ Platform 2.5, eZ Publish 5.x, eZ Publish 4.x