Novactive eZ Slack Bundle
Novactive eZ Slack Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle that provides a complete Slack integration.
This bundle provides a deep Slack integration.
It provides 5 high-level features that you can decline to build unlimited concrete collaboration features:
- Slack Connect: to allow user to login in eZ via Slack and to recognize a Slack user in eZ. (mapping with roles & permissions)
- Incoming Webhooks: to allow eZ to post Message (notifications) in one(or more) channel(s) in your Slack workspace.
- Interactive Components: to allow you to add Buttons or Selects (and more types) to your Message to create interactive experiences for your users.
- Slash Commands: to allow your users to trigger actions from Slack into your eZ.
- (Soon): Event Subscriptions: Your eZ will be able to listen channels and interact with you users.
Yes, we can vulgarize and say that it is a Chat Bot
This bundle simplify drastically the work you have to do to manage your own interactions between your eZ and your Slack workspace. (see usage to learn how to do it)
By default, on top of those high-level features, this bundle provides interactions and commands. (see features)
Usage and installation instructions
Change and License
Special Mentions and Credits
This bundle requires those awesome libs, BIG thank you to their mainteners!
- jms/serializer-bundle
- nesbot/carbon
- netgen/query-translator
- knpuniversity/oauth2-client-bundle
- adam-paterson/oauth2-slack
Also this bundle was inspired by 2 great articles
- LA Times: How Slack Controls Our CMS
- Snowball Digital: Using Slack for content approval workflow