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You can extend your Ibexa DXP application with bundles built by the community. Please note that these third party extensions are not covered by Ibexa support.
Novactive eZ Protected Content Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle that provides quick protection on Contents
The port of Kaliop eZ-Migration Bundle to eZPlatorm 3 aka Ibexa
Set of admin UI components for loading assets directly from the webpack encore entrypoint.json
AWS S3 File adapter for eZ Platform
Novactive eZ Fastly Image Optimizer Bundle is an eZPlatform bundle for Images optimizations and manipulations.
Novactive eZ Algolia Search Engine is an eZ Platform bundle to provide Algolia search integration.
Add a helper when editing or creating a Content. This helper allows you to display personalised text for the Content creation/edition
Novactive eZ Mailing Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle that provides mailing features
This bundle is used to expose twig templates to a siteaccess
Novactive eZ Maintenance bundle is an eZ Platform bundle that helps you to easily enable a Maintenance page.
Novactive eZ Accelerator is an eZ Platform bundle for performance optimizations.
The Push Delivery Connector from ethinking GmbH lets you enhance your ibexa DXP experience with providing access to new ways of reaching your customers.