Ibexa DXP in a nutshell
Ibexa DXP is a technology platform Ibexa builds products on. Currently we have three individual software packages available on the market: Ibexa Content, Ibexa Commerce and Ibexa Commerce
The products are built on a shared software core, but vary in features and pricing. The capabilities of the Ibexa DXP (Digital Experience Platform) can be roughly divided into into five categories:
In addition to the software we provide support, expert consulting and training services. For project implementations we rely on a global partner network. As a value-add offering we provide an integrated cloud hosting service, a managed PaaS known as Ibexa Cloud.
Getting up and running
Ibexa DXP is written mostly in PHP and it integrates closely with the Symfony web framework. To be effective you should have an understanding of modern PHP and the ecosystem, such as the Composer package manager and Twig templating.
Prior experience with Symfony is an advantage, but not necessary it's quick to learn thanks to the excellent documentation. Also, for many common tasks you will not need need to do back end development, as you can achieve a lot just by working with administration interface, defining configurations and writing Twig templates.
As mentioned above, Ibexa DXP comes in three flavors: Ibexa Content, Ibexa Content and Ibexa Commerce. These are commercially licensed software and you will need to have a valid subscription. But it is easy to give Ibexa DXP technology a try by installing our distribution licensed under GPL: Ibexa Open Source
We have three possible ways to install Ibexa (depending on which module you want to install: Ibexa Content, Ibexa Commerce, or Ibexa experience) and full details on how to do so are in the installation docs.
New to PHP and Symfony? No problem!
If you're new to (modern) PHP and don't have a compatible environment for Symfony on Windows, read our blog post on setting up a PHP development environment for Windows. It has step-by-step instructions and a screencast:
For other operating systems (Linux, macOS…) check out the Symfony docs a working Symfony installation pretty much guarantees an Ibexa DXP compatible setup.
When you get some more experience under your belt you can discover other options. You can run Ibexa DXP on many different configurations; a minimalistic bare metal install, a local Docker stack, a fully managed PaaS or a full-blown cluster with Kubernetes on cloud IaaS for production environments: Clustering Ibexa DXP
Resources for learning
Having a working installation of Ibexa Platform or Ibexa DXP is only the first step. But we have comprehensive documentation to help you on the way, from learning the concepts to how the administration interface works to how to use our PHP, GraphQL and REST APIs.
We also have an online community where you can get peer support from other Ibexa DXP developers from around the world. Head over to our discussion forum or the Slack community for real time chat. You can also get formal education through the Ibexa developer training.
One of the best ways to get to know a product is to use it. Our documentation has a number of step-by-step tutorials to help you learn how to develop with Ibexa Platform and Ibexa DXP products.
Access to Ibexa DXP products
Please note that to be enable to our commercially licensed products you need to have access to an authentication key from or download a software package from the Ibexa Support Portal.
If you think Ibexa DXP could be an interesting partner or vendor for your project, do not hesitate to contact us to se how we can help you.

A development platform
Ibexa DXP has been designed from the ground up to be extensible and configurable. Databases, binary storage and caching backends can all be configured. In the front end we use standard web technologies and React.js for rich user interface components.
Our server app is written in modern object oriented PHP and integrates deeply with the latest releases of the Symfony Framework as shown in the architecture diagram.
Software lifecycle
Software from Ibexa has a specified service life for when we provide bug fixes and security patches for individual versions. Our software releases are based on Semantic Versioning and once a year we ship an LTS (Long Term Support) package with an extended support period.