AWS S3 File Adapter for eZ Platform v3
This bundle provides AWS S3 file adapter, and the key features are:
- Easy to install and configure.
- Each environment uses its own storage within the same AWS S3 Bucket. And the bundle provides the script to sync storage between different environments.
- Direct AWS S3 links are used for generated image aliases.
- It provides an additional script to generate specific image aliases for specific content items. Which might be used as a performance optimization in some cases.
- Binary files are uploaded with private ACL. So it is impossible to access them bypassing Ibexa DXP security rules.
Using AWS S3 create a new public bucket.
Using AWS IAM create a new "Programmatic access" user with read/write access to the previously created S3 bucket.
Set AWS credentials as environment variables. Run the following command, if the project runs on Ibexa Cloud or
platform variable:create --level=project --name=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID \ --value=<YOUR_KEY_ID> --json=false --sensitive=false --prefix=env \ --visible-build=false --visible-runtime=true --enabled=true --inheritable=true platform variable:create --level=project --name=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY \ --value=<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY> --json=false --sensitive=true --prefix=env \ --visible-build=false --visible-runtime=true --enabled=true --inheritable=true
Add variables to
Using composer require
:composer require contextualcode/ezplatform-aws-s3-adapter
:oneup_flysystem: adapters: aws_s3_adapter: awss3v3: client: 'amazon.client.aws_s3_adapter' bucket: '%env(AWS_FILE_ADAPTER_BUCKET)%' prefix: '%env(AWS_FILE_ADAPTER_PREFIX)%' ez_io: binarydata_handlers: aws_s3: flysystem: adapter: aws_s3_adapter metadata_handlers: dfs: legacy_dfs_cluster: connection: doctrine.dbal.default_connection ezplatform: system: default: io: binarydata_handler: aws_s3 metadata_handler: dfs
Migrate the existing files if you are enabing AWS S3 File Adapter on the existing project:
php -d memory_limit=-1 bin/console ezplatform:io:migrate-files --from=default,default --to=dfs,aws_s3 --no-interaction
Deploy the changes:
git add composer.json composer.lock symfony.lock .env config/bundles.php config/packages/oneup_flysystem.yaml git commit -m "Installed AWS S3 file adapter" git push
Syncing storage between different environments
This bundle provides a script to sync storage between different environments. This script depends on AWS CLI. So please make sure it is installed and set up. Usage:
So if you want to sync the storage from the master
environment into the staging
environment for the project which uses my-project-storage
AWS S3 bucket you should run:
bin/sync-environment-storage my-project-storage staging master
Generating image aliases
In addition, this bundle provides bin/regenerate-image-aliases
script. Which allows regenerating image aliases for specific content. Usage:
bin/regenerate-image-aliases <CLEAR_BEFORE> <LOCATION_IDS> <CONTENT_TYPES> <ALIASES>
To regenerate "medium" and "large" aliases created in the last 24 hours for all folders and articles located under root location (location id: 1), please run:
bin/regenerate-image-aliases '24 hours ago' '1' 'folder,article' 'medium,large'
Depending on the project needs, a similar script might be added to a cron job. So when the page will be rendered its image aliases will be already generated, and no CPU resources are used for image aliases generation.