Adds extra features to eZ Platform.
branch /v2.x
is only compatible with eZ Platform -
branch is compatible with both eZ Platform and eZ Publish 5.4/2014.11.
Configurable template variable injection
Lets you configure variables to inject within your view template configuration. This avoids you to create custom controllers when you need to add a few simple variables to your view.
ezpublish: system: my_siteaccess: location_view: full: article_test: template: "AcmeTestBundle:full:article_test.html.twig" params: # Following keys will be injected as variables into configured template osTypes: [osx, linux, losedows] secret: %secret% # Parameters resolved by config resolver # See https://doc.ez.no/display/EZP/Dynamic+settings+injection default_ttl: $content.default_ttl$ # Using a parameter provider, for more complex usecases. my_provider: {"provider": "my_param_provider"} match: Id\Location: 144
Context aware Twig global variables
Lets you define Twig global variables that will be available only in the current SiteAccess.
ez_core_extra: system: my_siteaccess: twig_globals: my_variable: foo another_variable: 123 something_else: [bar, true, false]
Simplified authorization checks
Simplifies calls to
from inside controllers andis_granted()
from within templates when checking against eZ inner permission system (module/function/valueObject). -
By activating
flag, it will be possible for users to authenticate using their e-mail, in addition to their username.ez_core_extra: system: my_siteaccess: enable_email_authentication: true
EzCoreExtraBundle currently works eZ Platform v1 and v2 (kernel v6 and v7).
If you're using eZ publish 5.4/2014.11 or Netgen variant, look at
branch and/orv1.x
This bundle is available on Packagist. You can install it using Composer.
composer require lolautruche/ez-core-extra-bundle
Then add it to your application:
MUST be instanciated AFTER eZ bundles.
// ezpublish/EzPublishKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
// ...
new Lolautruche\EzCoreExtraBundle\EzCoreExtraBundle(),
// ...
See Resources/doc/