Developer portal
You can extend your Ibexa DXP application with bundles built by the community. Please note that these third party extensions are not covered by Ibexa support.
eZ Platform AdminUI extension
eZ Platform bundle which sets correct default siteaccess in admin preview.
eZ Platform bundle which provides UI to manage custom attributes in Online Editor
This bundle reimplements datetime filter that was available in eZ Publish Legacy stack.
eZ Platform bundle which allows implementing custom logic for custom tags/styles
eZ Platform bundle which provides user role inheritance.
Netgen Tags Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle for taxonomy management and easier classification of content, providing more functionality for tagging content than ezkeyword field type included in eZ Publish kernel.
eZ Platform Automated Translation Bundle provides interfaces to automatically translate a new content translation from different translation providers.
Novactive eZ SEO Bundle is an eZ Platform bundle for SEO simplications. metas, sitemaps, robots.txt, etc.
This bundle contains the enhanced relation list field type for eZ Platform version 2.x
eZ Platform UI Tree content browse menu bundle
Bundle providing Masked Input field for the eZ Platform EE Form Builder