EzPlatform Menu Bundle

Create navigation for eZPlatform 2.x+ using The KnpMenuBundle


EzPlatformMenuBundle is a bundle to create multi level navigation in eZ frontend Applications. This bundle is using KnpMenuBundle

The generation of the navigation is siteaccess aware.


eZPlatform 1.x (Open Source or EE), PHP 7+

Note: Be sure that KnpMenuBundle is installed and activated in AppKernel.php (activated per default in eZPlatform 2+)


composer require arfaram/ezmenubundle:^0.1
  • Activate the Bundle in AppKernel.php
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            new Knp\Bundle\MenuBundle\KnpMenuBundle(),
            new EzPlatform\MenuBundle\EzPlatformMenuBundle(),


In the Pagelayout template add following code

    {% if location is defined %}
        {% set menu = knp_menu_get(
            'displayChildrenWhenItemClicked': true,
            'level': 'main'

        {{ knp_menu_render(menu, {
            'template': '@EzPlatformMenu/parts/menu/top_menu.html.twig',
            'currentAsLink': true,
            'currentClass': 'active'
    {% endif %}


knp_menu_get options

  • thisLocationId: In the template it will add < link > (active) or < span > (inactive) link
  • pathString: Ìt is used to add an active css class in the current < li > path. See currentClass
  • displayChildrenWhenItemClicked:
    • True: It shows the subitem list of the current clicked item
    • False: It shows all items in all levels
    • Note: You clould use depth in knp_menu_render() parameters to control the subitem level to show when displayChildrenWhenItemClicked:false
  • level: use main to render repository navigation. the value should be unique per menu. Using this option you can setup some criterion on ContentType and the ParentLocationId to fetch. See default main settings in config/services/menu_settings.yml


    main.default.contenttypes_identifier.menu: [folder, products, article, product_item]

knp_menu_render options

  • template default template delivered with this bundle. you could use your own at this step
  • currentAsLink If true: display current item as a link. For static menu this option should be set to false.
  • currentClass : add your custom css class for active < li > items

Add static menu using knpMenuBundle (Symfony Route)

An example is already available in bundle/Doc/Example/StaticMenuBuilder.php

  • You should give a name in getConfigureEventName() . This name will be used later in the template and in the service settings. see below

  • We will use the same name site.static_menu used in this class and be sure that currentAsLink is set to false.

  • In the template (e.g pagelayout.html.twig)

    {{ knp_menu_render('site.static_menu', {
        'currentAsLink': false,
        'currentClass': 'active'
    }) }}
  • In service.yml
        autowire: true
        autoconfigure: true
        public: false

        public: true
            - { name: knp_menu.menu_builder, method: build, alias: site.static_menu }

Note: This class is using some symfony route. They should be available in routing.yml

You should then add following lines on the top of your pagelayout template to avoid exception when you are outside a content. Of course, you can use siteaccess parameteres.

{% if location is not defined %}
    {% set location = {'id': 2, 'pathString': '/1/2'} %}
{% endif %}

This allows you to render the main menu using the locationId=2 and pathString:/1/2.

Note: The current Menu template will take over highlighting the current symfony route.

Add your custom menu class using custom ParentLocationID

In some cases you want to use the same logic like in the main menu to add a custom menu in the Sidebar (list of blog posts or products items) or in the footer (only first level navigation or other category items).

  • An example is introduced in bundle/Doc/Example/FooterMenuBuilder.php

  • You should give a name in getConfigureEventName(). This name will be used later in the template and in the service settings. see below

  • We will use the same name site.footer_menu used in this class.

    {% if location is defined %}
        {% set menu = knp_menu_get(
        'displayChildrenWhenItemClicked': true,
        'level': 'footer'

        {{ knp_menu_render(menu, {
            'template': '@EzPlatformMenu/parts/menu/top_menu.html.twig',
            'currentClass': 'active'
    {% endif %}

  • Add the footer level in your parameters.yml
    footer.default.contenttypes_identifier.menu: [folder, blog]
    footer.default.location_id.menu: 2

Add additional items to the repository menu

To be able to add other menu items to the available menu you can add your own EventListner.

An example is available in bundle/Doc/ExampleEventListener/ExtraMainMenuListener.php

Next example demonstrates how to add a link to the existing main or static menu.

        autowire: true
        autoconfigure: true
        public: false
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: site.main_menu, method: onMenuConfigure }
            # Or
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: site.static_menu, method: onMenuConfigure }

Extending Queries using custom Criteria and Sort clauses

The standard query is built in MenuItems.php

  • The standard query consit of: ContentTypeIdentifier defined in parameteres, Subtree to fetch the subitems, Depth to limit the Subtree search, LanguageCode to fetch content in the right siteaccess language.

Since v1.1 there is an extension point introduced to add custom criteria, sortClauses, offset and more. You can find more about the properties in Query.php

  • To add or to amend existing criteria you can add an EventListener. An example is available in Doc/Example/EventListener/PostQueryListener
class PostQueryListener
    public function afterQueryBuildConfigure(PostQueryEvent $event)
        $query = $event->getquery();

        $query->filter->criteria[] = new Query\Criterion\Visibility(Query\Criterion\Visibility::VISIBLE);

        $query->sortClauses = [new Priority(Query::SORT_ASC)];


Finally, you have to tag your listener and assign it the right event name:

            - { name: 'kernel.event_listener', event: 'main', method: 'afterQueryBuildConfigure' }

Please consider that the event name is the same that you should define in the level parameters

'level': 'main'

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